6th July 2015 Supper Table Blog
I hope you are all enjoying the summer. I’ve been busy in the garden, attempting to bring the weeds under control and watching the courgette and tomato plants grow. It has also been prime elderflower season, so I now have litres of cordial in my fridge – including a pink elderflower from my very own garden!
We had lots of lovely new faces at the June supper club, and everyone got on like a house on fire. Despite all the chatting, lots of clean plates arrived back in the kitchen, so a great evening was had by all.

It is now less than three weeks until the next supper club on July 18th, and there are a few places left. Here is the menu below:
- Crayfish salad, samphire, broad beans, spicy popcorn
- Blue cheese soufflé, port reduction, wild mushrooms, braised fennel
- Elderflower & lemon tart, cherry sorbet, boozy cherries
Obviously, the tart will be homemade with my own cordial, and I’m hoping to pick the cherries from the lovely Clive’s Fruit Farm in Upton. With enough left over to make compote and jam – I do love a good preserve!
As always, the evening starts at 7.30 with aperitif and nibbles. We serve a three-course meal followed by coffee and petits fours, all for £27.50. Come alone or with a group of friends, everyone is welcome.
Refresher course
A good friend of mine has been very jealous of the time I spent at Ashburton Chefs Academy last year, so I very kindly agreed to return and join her on an advanced cookery course this week. I know, it is such a hardship to spend a week in gorgeous Devon, meeting up with old friends and learning lots of wonderful new recipes! Only halfway through the week here in Ashburton, but here’s a little taster of what we’ve been doing. I have lots of lovely ideas for supper club!
Other dates
I have a lot of private events on in August, so the next supper clubs will be September 26th and October 17th. Hope to see you at a supper club soon!
Best wishes